Regional Assessment Service on behalf of My Aged Care
Trial of wellness and reablement-focused assessment model, involving active aged care assessments across Tasmania - contracted by the Department of Health on behalf of the Australian Government.

The Department of Health, implementing the Australian Government’s Better Ageing – Promoting Independent Living 2018-19 Budget measure, has established the overarching policy framework, operational parameters and funding model to support the trial of a wellness and reablement-focussed assessment model (‘the trial’) as part of the measure.
As at 26 February 2019, the Department had contractual arrangements in place with five Regional Assessment Service (RAS) organisations to facilitate their participation in the trial; Care Assess was selected as one of five trial sites out of 17 RAS Organisations nationally, is the only one of the RAS Reablement Trail sites to be undertaking the trial for 100% of its RAS clients, and is the only smaller (SME) organisation as part of the trial.
As a part of the trial:
Care Assess received a comprehensive training package for assessment and mentoring staff at each of the trial locations (South, North and North Western Tasmania teams) to support the delivery of the reablement-focussed assessment model; and
Care Assess is participating with Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA), who are conducting a national evaluation which assesses and compares client and service outcomes across the selected trial sites, non-trial sites (including participating RAS and non-participating RAS) and RAS organisations in Victoria and Western Australia where reablement-focussed assessment models are already in place.
For more information see www.myagedcare.gov.au.